I need to copy the resources file when gradle compiles

this is my code
.withType(JavaCompile.class) Is there a better way to handle it

class ResourcesPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
	void apply(Project project) {
		if (filterSpringBootPlugins(project)) {
					.matching(new Spec<JavaCompile>() {
						boolean isSatisfiedBy(JavaCompile javaCompile) {
							return javaCompile.name == JavaPlugin.COMPILE_JAVA_TASK_NAME
					.doFirst(new Action<Task>() {
						void execute(Task task) {

	private static boolean filterSpringBootPlugins(Project project) {
		return !project.plugins.hasPlugin(SpringBootPlugin.class)

	private static void copyResources(Project project) {
		project.copy(new Action<CopySpec>() {
			void execute(CopySpec copySpec) {


Is this just supposed to be a “simple example”? Gradle already does this for you - its called the processResources task.

Personally I just always create a task named compile like so:

task compile(dependsOn: [compileJava, processResources, compileTestJava, processTestResources] )

I only mention it because I think this may be what you are trying to achieve.

Also, matching based on javaCompile.name == JavaPlugin.COMPILE_JAVA_TASK_NAME means you are looking for a task with a specific name, but to find it you iterate ALL tasks (effectively - Gradle needs to find the tasks of type JavaCompile for you first) to find it. Why not just get it by name?

if ( filterSpringBootPlugins(project) ) {
            .getByName( JavaPlugin.COMPILE_JAVA_TASK_NAME )
            .doFirst( ... )

Thanks for your answer, I think the first task is the solution I want, but I use build cache in my gradle project, I don’t know if this task can still take effect

Thanks for your guidance, I verified that copy resources can also be executed using cached builds

class ResourcesPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {

	void apply(Project project) {