I am seeing a problem when using Gradle Wrapper / tooling API

I am seeing that GradleConnector is not respecting custom GRADLE_USER_HOME in IntelliJ IDEA. With the help of Denis Zhdanov I troubleshooted the problem and the bottom line is that there seem to be two issues:

  1. The GradleConnector does not auto-detect the GRADLE_USER_HOME and we need to use the API set it explicitly 2. ConnectorServices.createConnector() always creates a DistributionFactory with the default user dir, and there is no API we can to override it

For more details see http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-104963#comment=27-481208

Thanks for your feedback.

  1. The GradleConnector does not auto-detect the GRADLEUSERHOME and we need to use the API set it explicitly

This is GRADLE-2405. Luckily, there’s a pretty easy workaround.

  1. ConnectorServices.createConnector() always creates a DistributionFactory with the default user dir, and there is no API we can to override it

This is GRADLE-2414. Unfortunately, there’s no solid workaround for this, although I do admire your tenacity in trying to find one!

As often happens, other priorities have meant that we haven’t fixed this issue yet. If you’d be interested in working on a solution, we would really appreciate it. The best way to start would be to spark this discussion on the gradle dev mailing list (dev@gradle.codehaus.org).