How to write the dependencies block in a Java Plugin?

I am writing a conventions plugin in Java and I would like to add the dependencies below from the java plugin. Assume I have the dependency code below.

dependencies {

In my plugin I am trying to do the following

public class ConventionsPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {

  public void apply(Project project) {

   // how do I correctly add a platform dependency and a regular dependency, I have been looking   through
  // the java API but I am not able to figure it so far. 

how do I correctly add a platform dependency and a regular dependency, I have been looking through the java API but I am not able to figure it so far?

You can do

DependencyHandler dependencies = project.getDependencies();
Dependency platform = dependencies.platform​(project.project(":components:platform"));
dependencies.add("implementation", platform);
dependencies.add("testImplementation", "nl.jqno.equalsverifier:equalsverifier");
dependencies.add("testImplementation", "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test");
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