Hi there, I am a very beginner with gradle and groovy. I’ve managed to create a build file with sweat and tears, that works. I’m creating an ear file that contains a jar and a war inside, from the projects’ sources.
I want to write in a properties file inside the jar the git commits that were used to build the ear file.
I created a method that does that, but the big problem is that it always includes a timestamp.
I want to write the properties without a timestamp, and I’ve found that there is support for that with WriteProperties.
But I don’t have a clue how to translate a method into a task. The method used is this:
updateVersioningInformation = { versioningPropertiesFile, sourceFolders ->
def versioningProperties = new Properties()
def gitProjects = sourceFolders
gitProjects.each { subProject ->
def gitBaseFolder = ['-C', subProject]
def projectCommit = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
exec {
commandLine = ['git'] + gitBaseFolder + ['log', '--format=\"%H\"', '-n 1']
standardOutput = projectCommit
def projectBranch = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
exec {
commandLine = ['git'] + gitBaseFolder + ['branch', '--show-current']
standardOutput = projectBranch
versioningProperties.setProperty( subProject.substring(subProject.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + '.branch', projectBranch.toString().trim());
versioningProperties.setProperty( subProject.substring(subProject.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + '.commit', projectCommit.toString().trim().replace('\"',''));
versioningPropertiesFile.withWriter { versioningProperties.store(it, null) }
versioningPropertiesFile.with { it.text = it.readLines().findAll { it }.sort().join('\n') }
So what it does is it takes a list of folders where I have the projects, and then writes in a properties file the git commit and branch of that project folder. I call this in a task that is later used as a doFirst when building the jar.
But I want to write the output without the comment line, because if commits don’t change, I don’t want to keep having outgoing files which always end up in conflict.
I don’t have a clue how to apply the WriteProperties task to the method and end up with the same file, basically, comment-less.
I appreciate any help on this