How to use jetty plugin properties?

Hi, How to use jetty plugin properties? The following piece of code:

[jettyRun, jettyRunWar, jettyStop]*.with {

httpPort = 8887

stopPort = 8081

stopKey = ‘stopKey’

jettyEnvXml = file(‘src/test/resources/jetty-env.xml’) }

generates warning message:

Dynamic properties are deprecated: Deprecated dynamic property: “httpPort” on “task ‘:client:jettyStop’”, value: “8887”. Deprecated dynamic property: “jettyEnvXml” on “task ‘:server:jettyRunWar’”, value: “/yyy/workspace/d…”. Deprecated dynamic property “httpPort” created in multiple locations. Deprecated dynamic property: “jettyEnvXml” on “task ‘:server:jettyStop’”, value: “/yyy/workspace/d…”.

Hello Opal, The jetty plugin ships with three convention properties, that can be directly configured in the buildscript:

httpPort = 8887
 stopPort = 8081
 stopKey = 'stopKey'

The jettyEnvXml property is only available for the jettyRun task. to configure the jettyRun task to use your jetty-env.xml file you can do:

     jettyEnvXml = file('src/test/resources/jetty-env.xml')

Gradle allows the creation of dynamic properties. If a property does not yet exist, it will be created. An example:

In your example snippet you try to set the httpPort on the jettyStop task. As the httpPort property does not exist for the jettyStop task (see dsl reference at groovy dynamically creates this object. As we changed this default behaviour to avoid accidently created properties, the deprecation warning is written.

regards, René

Thanks for exhaustive and useful response.