How to set up unconventional mutli-projects?

We have a legacy project. The structure is like the following

A (java)
B (java)
C ----

A, B, C are different CVS modules. A or B each is a java project and produces a jar (a.jar and b.jar). C is a resource folder and each path C/C1/C1A and C/C1/C1B are simply zipped into a jar c1a.jar and c1b.jar. A depends on b.jar for compile and c1a.jar and c1b.jar for runtime.

I can organize A and B using


in A/settings.gradle so B is a subproject of A. However, I cannot find a good way to handle C.

Should I have two subproject for C1A and C1B or just one C?

How to handle two artifacts c1a.jar and c1b.jar?

Thank you very much