I’d like to set a property in the global space that would only exist on certain environments (ex.: prod vs. dev). For example, I have some Nexus connection credentials for publishing artifacts that will exist on a CI box, but that I don’t want individual developers storing on their local machines. I currently do this as follows:
$HOME/.gradle/gradle.properties (CI box only)
uploadArchives {
onlyIf { project.hasProperty('nexusUrl') && project.hasProperty('nexusUsername') && project.hasProperty('nexusPassword') }
repositories {
mavenDeployer {
repository(url: nexusUrl) {
authentication(userName: nexusUsername, password: nexusPassword )
pom.version = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
pom.artifactId = "paat"
pom.groupId = "com.pearson"
When a developer runs this on a local machine (sans the global gradle.properties file), they get an error:
No such property: nexusUrl for class: org.gradle.api.publication.maven.internal.ant.DefaultGroovyMavenDeployer
This fails because the onlyIf directive is only honored in execution mode, but during configuration mode Gradle still expects those variables to exist. Work arounds are to create a properties file with empty values for those keys, or to provide dummy versions command-line.
But I’d like to know if there is a better, more Gradle-idiomatic way of doing this. How do I specify optional properties/functionality like this in a way that makes sense?