I expect this is very simple but am not finding the info I need and has seem to have become more complex than i initially thought.
I have 2 use cases;
1: launch jetty with embedded database (Task: launch)
2: launch jetty to use the on disk database (Task: launchOnDiskDB)
So my rational is to have 2 tasks and the user calls what task they want from the command line however, when they call the “launchOnDiskDB” then i do something like the following;
task launchOnDiskDB << {
System.setProperty("spring.profiles.active", "database-static")
ie, simply chain back and execute Task: launch (all the second task does is sets a system property before delegating back)
The problem i’m having is that task.execute() seems not to be official supported & if I introduce dependsOn, the launch task runs before the task LaunchOnDiskDB has had a chance to set the system property…
How can this be done?