How to resolve dependencies in execution phase?

I see. That makes sense! And perhaps explains why I’m seeing some errors during runtime with my solution.

So I’m trying yours by adding it to my subprojects task

  configurations {
    configurations.javaExec.extendsFrom it.configurations.runtime 

and then in myTask

task myTask(type: JavaExec) {
    classpath = configurations.javaExec

Which fails when I run it from the root project

gradle myTask

> Could not find property 'javaExec' on configuration container.

As I mentioned I’m trying…

Possibly I could add it on the root project too, in build.gradle:

configure(project) {
    configurations {
    configurations.javaExec.extendsFrom project.configurations.runtime 

Although I wish I didn’t have to do that (which actually relates to my other question:
it makes the error “task not found” go away,

But then I’m getting “Error: Could not find or load main class”
as your solution only includes external dependencies. And not my internal subprojects.

jars like log4j etc are there, but not my subprojectx.jar etc.

How could I include those too?