How to publish bom to local nexus repository?

I use version-catalog plugin manage the dependencies like below:

catalog {
    // declare the aliases, bundles and versions in this block
    versionCatalog {
        library('slf4j-api', 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:' + slf4jApiVersion)
        ... other dependencies
publishing {
    publications {
        maven(MavenPublication) {
            version moduleVersion
            from components.versionCatalog

When publishing, it will publish toml and pom perfectly and other project can also import the toml successfully.
I also want to publish another bom file to nexus and version control the maven project. how? thanks alot

A version catalog and a BOM (or platform in Gradle terms) are not the same.
They are two separate things with different use-cases.
A version catalog is just a catalog of versions a consumer can pick from but the version catalog per-se does not influence resolution process.
A platform is part of the resolution process and for example allows to control versions of transitive dependencies and other things.

Version catalogs are a Gradle-only feature and they cannot be used by a Maven build.

If you want to publish a BOM for usage in Maven consumers, you need to use the The Java Platform Plugin to publish a BOM.