I am very new to Gradle. I am trying to write two tasks:
- Which will take some archives that have been downloaded manually and put in some directory and then publish them to a repository. This is only run occasionally when that third party archive is updated and we need to use that new version.
- Another copy tasks which will download the archives, unpack them, and then copy them to a local directory. This should be run at compile time.
I got part of the way there but it seems that surprisingly the dependencies are being downloaded at configuration time which seems rather odd. This means that nothing works because I can’t even run the first task as the second one cases the dependencies to be downloaded which fails.
Here is what I have got so far:
plugins {
id 'maven-publish'
def mafftGroupId = 'jp.cbrc.mafft'
def mafftArtifactId = 'mafft'
def mafftVersion = '7.388'
def artifactsDir = 'artifacts'
def mafftResourcesDir = 'resources/m2'
// TODO: De-duplicate these
def linux64TarballFile = file("$artifactsDir/mafft-$mafftVersion-linux.tgz")
def linux64TarballArtifact = artifacts.add('archives', linux64TarballFile) {
classifier = 'linux'
type = 'tgz'
def macZipFile = file("$artifactsDir/mafft-$mafftVersion-mac.zip")
def macZipArtifact = artifacts.add('archives', macZipFile) {
classifier = 'mac'
type = 'zip'
def win64ZipFile = file("$artifactsDir/mafft-$mafftVersion-win64-signed.zip")
def win64ZipArtifact = artifacts.add('archives', win64ZipFile) {
classifier = 'win64'
type = 'zip'
publishing {
publications {
mafft(MavenPublication) {
groupId mafftGroupId
artifactId mafftArtifactId
version mafftVersion
artifact linux64TarballArtifact
artifact macZipArtifact
artifact win64ZipArtifact
repositories {
maven {
name 'artifactory'
url 'https://biomatters.jfrog.io/biomatters/libs-release-local'
credentials {
username = artifactoryUser
password = artifactoryPassword
// TODO: This should maybe have a type of PublishToMavenRepository but I couldn't figure it out.
task publishMafftToArtifactory {
dependsOn 'publishMafftPublicationToArtifactoryRepository'
configurations {
dependencies {
// TODO: Is there a way to just use the artifact files here?
mafftArchives(group: mafftGroupId, name: mafftArtifactId, version: mafftVersion, classifier: 'linux', ext: 'tgz')
mafftArchives(group: mafftGroupId, name: mafftArtifactId, version: mafftVersion, classifier: 'mac', ext: 'zip')
mafftArchives(group: mafftGroupId, name: mafftArtifactId, version: mafftVersion, classifier: 'win64', ext: 'zip')
task unpackMafft(type: Copy) {
// TODO: De-duplicate this too
configurations.mafftArchives.asFileTree.filter { File f ->
}.each {
configurations.mafftArchives.asFileTree.filter { File f ->
}.each {
rename "mafft-linux64", "Linux64"
rename "mafft-mac", "OSX"
rename "mafft-win", "W64"
into "$mafftResourcesDir"
The error is:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file '/source/trunk/plugins/MafftPlugin/build.gradle' line: 71
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating project ':plugins:MafftPlugin'.
> Could not resolve all files for configuration ':plugins:MafftPlugin:mafftArchives'.
> Could not find mafft-win64.zip (jp.cbrc.mafft:mafft:7.388).
This has got me baffled. I have no idea what to do.