How to manually install Android Gradle plugin to an offline workstation?

I’m working on a workstation which doesn’t have WAN network access. I can only transfer files to the workstation through a company LAN website. So I’m dealing with a TOTALLY-OFFLINE Android Studio.

My project requires Gradle binary and Android Studio Gradle plugin has already been downloaded and extracted to ~/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-4.4-all/<blahblah>/gradle-4.4/ and works well. can be downloaded from

But where should I put it in?

I know gradle 4.4 and gradle plugin 2.3.3 are too old. The project is a large one, many developers work together, I don’t have permission to update the dependency version.

Okay, found the path.

My laptop has WAN access. Configuring, gradle sync, a global search… And the path is ~/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/

Copied the file tree to the workstation, but it still doesn’t work.