How to manage Dendencies with compile/zip an exclude?

Please can anyone explain me this gradle behaviour. I have a custom configuration:

configurations {
  dependencies {
   externalLibs group:'commons-logging',name:'commons-logging',version:'1.1.1'
sourceSets {
 main {
  compileClasspath += configurations.externalLibs
  java { srcDir 'src' }
  resources { srcDir 'src' }
task zipSharedLib(type: Zip) {
 from configurations.externalLibs
                exclude module: 'commons-logging'

I thought the exclude does only apply to the zip task, but if I execute the task, the library is missing on the compile too. I tried another solution for the exclude:

from configurations.externalLibs.files { file -> != 'xmlParserAPIs' && != 'jstl' && != 'commons-logging'

And this works as expected: The library is included during the compile but excluded from the zip. Can please someone explain the difference?

The syntax you used configures (modifies) the configuration. The exclude syntax for archive tasks is different, and operates on files rather than artifacts. For example:

task zipSharedLib(type: Zip) {
    from(configurations.externalLibs) { // note placement of parens
        exclude '**/commons-logging*'

Explicitly adding parens sometimes helps to find such problems.

Ok, thank you. I found another topic where the parentheses problem is explained in more detail.