I have a project like this: / - parent
|- subproject1
|- subproject2
Each of the subprojects has a task ‘installWithConfig’ which depends on ‘installApp’ task (from application plugin) and the only thing it does is to add some files to the ‘bin/’ directory.
So running gradle in the subprojects with ‘gradle installWithConfig’ produces good stuff in ‘build/install/’. I want to make an “ubertask” (named ‘uberBuild’) in the parent build.gradle which copies the contents together.
My problems: * I can’t write this: ‘task uberBuild(dependsOn: project(’:subproject1’).installWithConfig) << { … }’ cause gradle says ‘installWithConfig’ is not a valid property of the project * When I invoke it manually with ‘project(’:BIGlossary’).installWithConfig.execute()’ – it only does the job defined in the actual task and not the dependencies (e.g.: ‘installApp’ nor its further dependencies)
Please help me to provide a valid way to achieve something like this in Gradle. Thanks!