Here, the organization and module might be of multi-level, like: 1. organization: division.package 2. module: project.subproj (could be of any level)
And I want the pattern resolve to (replace . with /, and add some other directory in between): > $NetworkDir/division/EXTRADIR/package/lib/project/subproj/artifact_name.jar
The reason I want to do this is because above is the firm infrastructure standard which could not be changed shortly.
Is there any way to hook into [organization] and [module] by changing its value before it resolve to the right artifact?
Thanks very much.
(Use FileSystemResolver we could override findArtifactRef, but it is going to be deprecated, we will need a alternative)
Our organizaiton heavily relies on this behavior, if gradle 2.0 is going to deprecate FileSystemResolver, but without a hook to do the same thing, I am afraid this would be a regression
The general use case here of a more complex derived mapping is something that we plan to support natively by the concept of repository layouts. In short, by the time we remove Ivy resolver support you’ll be able to do this with Gradle’s native resolvers.
Hi, Luke - hence gradle 2.0 is coming out soon, I would like to know how to achieve this without FileSystemResolver, this is very critical to our firm, as all of our projects are depending on this, if gradle 2.0 don’t have a alternative, but deprecate FileSystemResolver, then we are pretty much stuck here.