How to Fat Jar a Single Dependency

I know I can fat jar all my compile dependencies by doing:

jar {
  from { configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }

However, what I would like to do is to fat jar a single compile dependency, instead of them all. I have:

dependencies {
  compile files("myCode-1.0.jar")
  ... lots more dependencies
  jar {
  // what should be here to fat jar only myCode-1.0.jar?
  // of course, I also want the classes defined in my project to be included in the jar
  // but i don't want my other dependencies

if your dependency is a file, just do

jar {
    from file("my-Code-1.0.jar")

Ah, sorry - I have dependencies in ivy coordinates. I just wrote my dependency as a file dependency for the example, my bad.

Thus I have:

dependencies {
  compile ""
  compile "org.apache.commons:commons:1.0"
  // etc.

and I want to fat jar the jar for myCode-1.0.jar.

configurations {
  dependencies {
    myCode ""
  jar {
    from configurations.myCode

Peter - that was what I wanted, thank you.