How to exclude particular file, in my case log4j.xml from resulting war archive when executing war task

How to exclude particular file, in my case, log4j.xml, from war archive when executing war task?

I did not find any solution yet that I can put into war task.


Have you tried a straightforward ‘exclude’ (see ‘War’ task in DSL reference)?

Yes. I did

war {

excludes [’**/log4j.*’]


still see log4j.xml in a war archive. Thanks

Your pattern is incorrect. Try:

war {
  exclude "**/log4j.xml"

Peter, neither

war {
  exclude "**/log4j.xml"


war {
  excludes ["**/log4j.xml"]

are working. I still see log4j.xml in my classpath

Strange. Can you provide a reproducible example?