How can I copy the artifact from a dependency project? I’ve got the following setup: FrameworkB depends on FrameworkC, and FrameworkB’s pkg task should tar up the results of :FrameworkC:pkg. I got a “Could not determine the dependencies of task ‘:frameworkB:pkg’.” message when using the following build.gradle files:
repositories {
mavenCentral() }
configurations {
pakage }
dependencies {
//pakage ‘’
pakage project( ‘:frameworkC’ ) }
task pkg(type: Tar) {
from configurations.pakage
into “$buildDir/pkg” }
configurations {
pakage }
task pkg(type: Tar) {
from ‘src/’
into “$buildDir/pkg” }
artifacts {
pakage pkg }
Believe what I need is some way to specify what artifact of configurations.pakage I’m looking to tar, but I haven’t figured out how that’s done.