How to configure a property with Managed type referred by Managed object in model block?

I’d like to know how to configure a property with Managed type referred by another Managed object in model block.

There are two Managed models, one of them refers to the other.

The former interface is like…

public interface JpaUnit {
    String getUnit();
    void setUnit(String unit);
    Database getDb();
    void setDb(Database db);

And the later is like…

public interface Database {
    String getDriver();
    void setDriver(String driver);
    String getUrl();
    void setUrl(String url);

And a class which extends RuleSource is like…

class Foo extends RuleSource {
    void jpaUnit(JpaUnit u) {}
    void db(Database d) {}

I tried…

model {
    jpaUnit {
        unit = 'test'
        db {
            driver = 'org.h2.Driver'
            url = 'jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9092/~/h2/sample'

But this script doesn’t work because there is no db() method in closure which is given to jpaUnit.

And when I changed modle block then the property db is null so I can’t configure db property.

model {
    jpaUnit {
        unit = 'test'
        db.driver = 'org.h2.Driver'
        db.url = 'jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9092/~/h2/sample'

So I’m wondering how to configure Managed object referred by another Managed object.

You should remove the void setDb(Database db); from JpaUnit. Then your examples will work.

Thanks! It works fine :thumbsup: