How in Eclipse project module java-9 have modulepath and classpath together?

Sorry I could not reply sooner.

The latest version is usually always better. That version I mentioned just happened to be what I had on my machine.

Actually, a (more elegant?) solution exists bundled inside that project zip file I uploaded for you yesterday. In it, you will find a gradle folder. In there is a script you should import into your build.gradle.

Follow These Steps

  1. Download and extract the project zip file I uploaded for you yesterday (link’s above)

  2. Delete or comment-out the existing elcipse{ } block from that project’s build.gradle

  3. Add this line at the top of that build.gradle

    apply( from: file( 'gradle/eclipse/modulefy.gradle' ) )
  4. If you’ve already imported the project in Eclipse, close and delete the project from Eclipse (don’t delete it from the file system)

  5. Open a terminal in the root folder of that project.

  6. Run: ./gradlew eclipse

  7. Open Eclipse and reimport as a Gradle project

Expected Result

It works for me…

…let me know if it works for you too? TIA :+1: