I have a spring boot root-project which has multiple sub-projects/sub-modules. The Structure is as follows :
- src
- build.gradle
- gradlew
- settings.gradle
- subproject A
-subproject B
The root project’s build.gradle adds these two subprojects as dependencies :
dependencies {
implementation (
The root-project.jar contains jars of these subprojects in BOOT-INF/lib folder.
I need to modify the subproject A and build two different jar files based on some project property. I was able to do so by adding the following
jar task in build :
project.properties['channel'].split(',').each { channel ->
def jarTask = task(channel+"Jar", type: Jar) {
baseName = channel
from (sourceSets.main.output) {
if (channel == 'local'){
exclude ('**/Service1.class')
} else if(channel == 'prod'){
exclude ('**/Service2.class')
artifacts {
archives jarTask
This task produces two jars in build/libs folder of subproject A as follows :
→ local.jar
→ prod.jar
How can I include these jars in the root project’s jar file ?
Basically I want two root project JAR files as follows :
root-project-local.jar - containing local.jar of subproject A
root-project-prod.jar - containing prod.jar of subproject A
I am a beginner in gradle and not sure if this is possible. Please guide me in the right direction. Thanks!