I’m new to gradle. So far I’ve followed the Getting Started section at gradle.org and an article in a magazine that is based on http://www.dpunkt.de/leseproben/4015/4_Einleitung.pdf (in German).
To expand on that I tried to create a small build script that runs a command for a list of files. Assuming I have a directory with text files (*.txt) I want to call “dos2unix” for each of them (a simplified version of what I want to do).
A build file to print all of the text files wasn’t that hard:
task all << {
FileTree tree = fileTree('.').include('*.txt')
tree.each {File file ->
println file
So all I need to do is basically replace “println” with “dos2unix”. What I found regarding the execution of arbitrary commands is something along those lines:
task dostounix(type: Exec) {
executable "sh"
args "-c", 'dos2unix "<filename>"'
But I fail to combine both pieces of code. Can I do something like this?
task all << {
FileTree tree = fileTree('.').include('*.txt')
tree.each {File file ->
Any help would be greatly appreciated Brack