How can I geneate ivy.xml and pom.xml files in an alternative, local location?

I posted a question at where I’m trying to stage the ivy.xml for an alternate configuration. Any tips?

You can do something like this to specify a local “upload location” for maven and/or ivy. Then do a

gradle uploadArchives to get the ivy.xml and your jar file in the appropriate ivy or maven style subdirectories.

uploadArchives {
    repositories {
        mavenDeployer {
            repository(url: "file:../mavenRepo/")
    repositories {
        ivy {
            url "file:../ivyRepo"

It seems that gradle milestone 3 doesn’t work with the ivy tag, so I commented out the ivy part. But the trouble I’m having is that my build system already has an uploadArchives task. I need a different one that publishes elsewhere for a single, specific build task.