How can a custom gradle plugin determine its own version

Thanks both (@Pierre1 and @Lance) for your suggestions!

I implemented the approach suggested by @Pierre1 first and as he mentioned it worked fine. However, it fails for a multi-module gradle project where the plugin is added in the root projects as apply false, then applied without a version in the subproject. In this case, the plugin artifact isn’t found in the project buildscript classpath. So I tried to search for it in the parent projects recursively as below:

def retrievePluginVersion(Project project) {
    def pluginArtifact = findPluginArtifact(project)

    assert pluginArtifact != null: 'Plugin missing in the buildscript classpath'
    assert pluginArtifact.version != null: 'Plugin version is missing'
    return pluginArtifact.version

  def findPluginArtifact(Project project) {
    def pluginArtifact = project.buildscript.configurations.classpath.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts
            .collect { }
            .find { == 'org.example' && == 'artifact-id' }

    if (pluginArtifact != null || project.parent == null) {
      return pluginArtifact

    return findPluginArtifact(project.parent)

This works fine for the failure scenario described above. However, in this case, gradle complains that the project is trying to resolve artifacts of a different project.

Therefore, I switched to the second approach suggested by @Lance. This approach makes the version inference logic a lot simpler in the plugin source code with a bit of setup in build.gradle. Another important aspect of this approach is that, it’s very friendly with functional tests with gradle-test-kit. Thus, it’s possible to write a functional test simulating the failure scenario and make sure it actually works.

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