Help with PMD SourceSet

Is there a way to tell pmd to exclude specific srcDirs from a sourceSet?

I have a project that uses Axis to generate wsdl and xsd java source.
To allow for the incremental build, we put the generated files into two folders


We then add those two directories to the java source sets.
I would like for PMD to run only on the non generated source. I have added this pmd block to build.gradle but it is impacting the java compile as well.

sourceSets {
                         main {
                                 java {
                                         srcDirs "$project.buildDir/generated-xsd", "$project.buildDir/generated-wsdl"

 pmd {
        sourceSets {
            main {
                 java {
                      //Exclude generated sources
                      srcDirs = srcDirs - (files("${buildDir}/generated-xsd") + files("${buildDir}/generated-wsdl"))
 }//end pmd
 task timTest {

         doLast {
        {println it}
        {println it}

I can’t use the PMD excludes as that uses name spaces and there isn’t a specific naming standard in that generated code that I can easily use to sepearate it out from the original java source.

When I execute my timTest task I was surprised to see that the pmd source set modified the project sourceSet. I would have expected PMD to have it’s own sourceSet.

An update here. I have stared to try to use the exclude and directly update the source.
If I am reading the doc and the gradle java code correctly setSource should clear the source list
I am playing with something like the task type below. Two notes

  1. When I print out the source, it only has the source I want, but regardless running the task pmdMain seems to ignore that and use sourceSets.main.

  2. As I mentioned in the original post, I tried playing with the include/exclude but that does not allow me to exclude path like “${buildDir}/generated-xsd/**”.

    tasks.withType(Pmd) {
    // This does not work because it assumes relative path
    //include “/src/main/java//*.java”
    //exclude “${buildDir}/generated-xsd/**”

     setSource(fileTree(dir: "${projectDir}/src/main/java/", include: "**/*.java"))
     //prints out the correct files but seems to be ingored
     source.each{println "${name} Include Src: " + it}
