I’ve just published another version of my plugin via gradlew publishPlugins and it is there on the portal
Version 1.1 (latest)
Created 10 March 2022.
But I cannot read it back
When I use this new version it tries to read it from https://repo.gradle.org/artifactory/jcenter/io/github/guai/gr8s/io.github.guai.gr8s.gradle.plugin/1.1/io.github.guai.gr8s.gradle.plugin-1.1.pom
and the server returns 404
And I cannot republish it with the same version.
What do I do?
Is there some kind of lag before it’s available or what?
Should I up the version and try again?
You likely made a request for that version of the plugin before you actually published it.
The request is actually made to: https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/io.github.guai/gr8s/io.github.guai.gr8s.gradle.plugin/1.1/io.github.guai.gr8s.gradle.plugin-1.1.pom
If it’s not found, it will also look for it at: https://repo.gradle.org/artifactory/jcenter/io/github/guai/gr8s/io.github.guai.gr8s.gradle.plugin/1.1/io.github.guai.gr8s.gradle.plugin-1.1.pom
For a plugin published to the portal, that second one will always be a 404. Once published the first URL will no longer redirect to the second URL. However, if you’ve already made a request, the redirect can be temporarily cached for you.