I’m using Gradle 1.5 on Windows 7 and I got the following error:
The hasProperty(“var”) returns null
if (hasProperty(‘ftpServer’)) {
… some code to be executed if ftpServer parameter is available }
Always returns null.
use project.hasProperty(“var”) instead of hasProperty(“val”)
Thanks, Ricardo
Cannot reproduce. Are you doing this in a nested scope? In that case, you may have to use ‘project.hasProperty’ to call the desired method.
Hi Peter,
Thanks for the prompt reply. Actually I’ve created a simple gradle script to execute MySQL backups. I’m using
Gradle 1.5 build time march, 27 2013 Groovvy: 1.8.6 JVM: 1.6.0_32 OS: Windows 7 6.1 x86
I’ve created a gradle script that generates a MySQL database backup and keeps the backup files of the last 7 days. If the parameter ftpServer is defined in gradle.properties, the generated backup is transmited by FTP to a backup server (where the hasProperty(‘ftpServer’) returned null)
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
defaultTasks 'exec'
// initial settings
def backupFileName = "${databaseName}.bkp"
def bkpFile = new File(backupDir, backupFileName)
def zipFileName = bkpFile.path + ".zip"
configurations {
repositories {
dependencies {
ftpAntTask 'ant:ant-commons-net:1.6.5', 'commons-net:commons-net:3.2'
* Initialize the backup
task init << {
println "database
= ${databaseName}"
println "mysqldump
= ${mysqldump}"
println "backup dir = ${backupDir}"
println "zip file
= ${zipFileName}"
* Generate a MySQL backup file
task backup(type: Exec, dependsOn: init) {
File dir = new File(backupDir)
if (!dir.exists())
// runs mysqldump and set the output file (backup file)
commandLine "${mysqldump}", "--user=root", "--password=admin", "${databaseName}"
File bkpfile = new File(backupDir, backupFileName)
standardOutput file(bkpfile).newOutputStream()
* Generate a zip file of the backup file
task zipBackup(type: Zip, dependsOn: backup) {
// delete previous backup file
// set the arguments to generate the zip file
from bkpFile.path
archiveName zipFileName
* Duplicate the zip backup file including date information in its
* file name, so a history of backup files will be created
task duplicateCurrentZip(type: Copy, dependsOn: zipBackup) {
def destFileName = "${databaseName}.${currentDateString()}.bkp.zip"
def sourceFileName = "${backupFileName}.zip"
(new File(backupDir, destFileName)).delete()
from backupDir
into backupDir
include sourceFileName
rename sourceFileName, destFileName
* Execute the backup
task exec(dependsOn: duplicateCurrentZip) << {
println "Database name = ${databaseName}"
println "Backup dir = ${backupDir}"
def files = fileTree(dir: backupDir, include: "**/${databaseName}*.zip")
// get files older than 7 days
FileTree filesToDelete = files.matching {
Date lastWeek = new Date() - 7
include { FileTreeElement file ->
return file.lastModified < lastWeek.time
// delete old backup files
filesToDelete.each { File file->
// delete backup file (not compressed volume)
// the FTP backup transmition is only executed if FTP server was defined
if (project.hasProperty('ftpServer')) {
// load dependency libraries
ant.taskdef(name: 'ftp', classname: 'org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.net.FTP', classpath: configurations.ftpAntTask.asPath)
def ftpfile = backupFileName + ".zip"
// send file via FTP to the backup server
ant.ftp(server: ftpServer, userid: ftpUser, password: ftpPassword, remotedir: ftpDir, action: 'put') {
fileset(dir: backupDir) {
include(name: ftpfile)
def currentDateString() {
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd")
return sdf.format(new Date())
And gradle.properties
databaseName = mydatabase
backupDir = backup
mysqldump = C\:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin\mysqldump.exe
ftpServer = ftp.server.com
ftpUser = username
ftpPassword = userpassword
ftpDir = /remotedir
It’s expected that you have to use ‘project.hasProperty’ here. ‘hasProperty’ will resolve to ‘Task.hasProperty’.
Ok… Thanks for the reply.
It makes sense now