Gradle upgrade to 5.1.1 with classesDir into classesDirs


Coming from gradle 4.8.1, we usually set our classesDir like this

sourceSets {
	def classesDir = "$buildDir/classes/$"
	def resourcesDir = "$buildDir/resources/$"

	main {
		output.classesDir = file("$classesDir/main")
		output.resourcesDir = file("$resourcesDir/main")
	test {
		output.classesDir = file("$classesDir/test")
		output.resourcesDir = file("$resourcesDir/test")
	functionalTest {
		java {
			srcDir 'src/functional/java'
		resources {
			srcDir 'src/test/resources'
		output.classesDir = file("$classesDir/functional")
		output.resourcesDir = file("$resourcesDir/functional")

However, with gradle 5.1.1, classesDir is depracated and replaced with classesDirs, and classesDirs is a read-only property, how would we overwrite this?

Something like this works I think.

main {
    java.outputDir = file("$classesDir/main")
    output.resourcesDir = file("$resourcesDir/main")

I actually found the answer to this from the documentations, thank you tho for responding :slight_smile: