I’m upgrading (6.x->7.6) a multi-project gradle repository. I have a subproject that has had a dependency declaration like the following:
dependencies {
compile libs.hdrhistogram
compile libs.yetusAnnotations
provided libs.scalaLibrary
provided libs.sparkCore
provided libs.sparkSql
provided libs.slf4jApi
testCompile libs.junit
testCompile libs.scalatest
testCompile libs.log4jApi
testCompile libs.log4jCore
testCompile libs.log4jSlf4jImpl
Based on the upgrade guide (Upgrading your build from Gradle 6.x to 7.0) and the maven migration guide (Migrating Builds From Apache Maven) I changed the dependencies to as follows:
dependencies {
implementation libs.hdrhistogram
implementation libs.yetusAnnotations
implementation libs.scalaLibrary
implementation libs.sparkCore
implementation libs.sparkSql
implementation libs.slf4jApi
testImplementation libs.junit
testImplementation libs.scalatest
testImplementation libs.log4jApi
testImplementation libs.log4jCore
testImplementation libs.log4jSlf4jImpl
Unfortunately the project doesn’t compile when setting the provided dependencies to compileOnly.
The problem comes when I inspect the contents of the created jar. Previously the generated jar did not include the scala/spark/slf4j classes, however after the change the jar size has exploded from 17Mb to 130Mb. Try as I might I can’t really find a simple way to define depenencies to be used during compile, but exclude during the jar task. Am I missing something, or should I use a specific plugin for this?