I just start working with Gradle on Test Automation.
Here we have a problem that test-out folder is not created when we triggered Gradle Task.
Right click > Run As TestNG , it works fine the out-put folder is created.
But when we execute Gradle Task. this folder is not created.
test {
useTestNG() {
excludeGroups 'unit'
ignoreFailures = true
testLogging.showStandardStreams = true
task ParallelTestExecution(type: Test) {
useTestNG() {
options.parallel = 'methods' //modes: methods, tests, classes or instances.
options.threadCount = 3
includeGroups 'SMOKE','FUNCTIONAL'
useDefaultListeners = false
listeners << 'com.systemtest.testreporter.ExtentReporterNG'
listeners << 'com.systemtest.testreporter.TestListener'
listeners << 'com.systemtest.testreporter.RetryListener'
ignoreFailures = true