Gradle reports a non-build-breaking ERROR on war task since M5

:war :: problems summary :: :::: ERRORS

a required artifact is not listed by module descriptor: #!.

I have no Idea what this means nor where it comes from. It doesnt break the build either. Sorry, but find it kinda disturbing when building…

It’s due to this change:

The error message is hideous though of course and we are working to improve it, though it’s harder than it seems.

As for how to fix your build, it’s hard to say without knowing exactly what you are doing. I suspect you have a project dependency in order to get hold of a zip or something similar from another project. Is this the case?

It happens for me when I add this dependency:

compile ‘org.infinispan:infinispan:5.1.0.BETA3’

to a project. Although the error I get is:

:: problems summary ::


a required artifact is not listed by module descriptor: #!.

Remove the dependency and problem goes away. It’s not obvious to me that anything on that list of changes is relevant to this cause. Then again, maybe this is actually a different error.

And I can confirm that rolling back to milestone 3 fixes this problem. I suspect Wharf.

Could you try with a milestone 6 snapshot? This message should be gone now.

You could try this snapshot, or anything newer:

To be fair to Wharf, it was due to all the classifier fixes we made in milestone 5. Wharf had nothing to do with either this message or the original problems.

That removes the error, but now I find that I have ‘not found’ configuration entries for dependencies that have been explicitly excluded. I’m seeing these in IntelliJ, so this may be an interaction with the IDEA plugin. I’ll have to do some more testing to find out.

This is probably GRADLE-1896 you’re running into. Do you have a build script snippet that shows the exclusion?

I’ll have to narrow down a minimal case, but this:

testCompile(‘org.spockframework:spock-core:0.5-groovy-1.8’) { exclude module: ‘groovy-all’ }

triggers it for me. I see the groovy-all dependency of spock in IDEA’s dependencies. Unfortunately it’s a 1.8.0 snapshot which my nexus doesn’t resolve.

I see a similar result to that bug report, but it doesn’t throw an exception, it just puts the dependency into IDEA (twice, - it’s excluded in two different places), but IDEA can’t find it because it doesn’t exist.

Hi, I have the same problem with the following simple build whenever I do gradle run:

apply plugin: ‘java’ apply plugin: ‘application’

mainClassName = “HelloJGraphT”

repositories {

mavenCentral() }

dependencies {

compile group: ‘jgrapht’, name: ‘jgrapht’, version: ‘0.7.3’ }

Keep up the good work! I love Gradle! :slight_smile:

This should be fixed now. Can you try out the new milestone 6 snapshot:

Thanks Adam. This M6 snapshot does it all. No funny message anymore. It’s faster. Proper credentials config. Snapshot cache configuration. I am amazed.

Thanks again