Gradle play PlayRun ForkOptions

in play plugin, I need to pass some jvm args for runPlayBinary task. I tried the following and it doesn’t work.
can someone please help? Thanks

model {
    components {
        play {
           binaries.all {
               tasks.withType(PlayRun) {
                    forkOptions ="-Dproperties.home=conf -Dconfig.file=conf/play.conf"                

just tried on the put the following block on the top level

tasks.withType(PlayRun) {
    forkOptions ="-Dproperties.home=conf -Dconfig.file=conf/play.conf"

get the following

Exception thrown while executing model rule: copyToTaskContainer
Cannot set the value of read-only property ‘forkOptions’ on task ‘:runPlayBinary’.

Further investigation reveals from the source code that there is no setter for forkOptions. Did I miss something, or it is a bug? Thanks
-Chris L

I’d guess

forkOption.jvmArgs = ["-Dproperties.home=conf", "-Dconfig.file=conf/play.conf"]

Thanks. It works like a charm. Kind of felt dumb to miss the obvious.