Will appreciate your answer, pretty stuck here. I have this multi project structure, created using the gradle eclipse plugin.
project: itest --> For integration tests project: model --> Model objects project: service-ifc --> Service interfaces project: service-impl --> Service implementation project: web --> Web project in which i am running under tomcat project: parent --> The multi project
All projects located under parent, parent have build.gralde and settings.gradle. It’s settings gradle does include for all other projects. Project service-impl needs service-ifc and model, so i wrote inside it’s build.gradle under dependencies : compile project (’:model’), project (’:service-ifc’)
Project web needs service-impl, so i wrote inside it’s build.gradle under dependencies : compile project (’:service-impl’)
*Let’s say for start i have one service class and one service interface class.
When i am running the web project in my tomcat (inside eclipse) i am receiving class not found exception that my service interface isn’t found.
If you look inside the web.war you will see that under lib folder you have service-impl,service-ifc and model project jars.
What’s wrong , what’s is my mistake , what i am missing here ?
Tried also to add this to the build.gradle dependencies of the parent project project(’:service-impl’){
compile project(’:model’), project(’:service-ifc’) }
Still the same issue.
Thanks in advance to you all,