Running gradle-1.0-milestone-5-20110913092800+0200
I’ve got a toy project in progress to demo Gradle.
I noticed that some tasks I’ve written are being executed when I run ‘gradle compile’, even though compile doesn’t depend on any of these tasks.
In a file called minimal.gradle I define this task:
task showDependencyReport {
reportFile = new File(‘build/reports/project/dependencies.txt’)
println reportFile.text }
And then I import that file in build.gradle like this: apply from: ‘build-minimal.gradle’
When I run anything from build.gradle, the task showDependencyReport always gets executed.
Can anyone explain why, or how I’d debug this?
I have figured out why this happened… the task declaration should have been ‘task showDependencyReport << { … }’ or one of the other forms.
But I still don’t understand why Gradle didn’t reject my syntax, and it created a task that always runs.
Can someone explain what actually happened there?
with the following syntax:
task someTask {
// I'm configuration of the task object
The code block is considered configuration of the task, and is run during build evaluation. If you consider the Copy task…
task copyStuff(type: Copy) {
from "someDir"
into "someOtherDir"
You can see that here we are configuring the instance of Copy, which needs to happen during evaluation.
The syntax:
task someTask << {
// stuff to do when the task is executed
is shorthand for:
task someTask {
doLast {
// stuff to do when the task is executed