There is a similar question here: android - Gradle properties not being read from ~/.gradle/ - Stack Overflow but it does not solve my problem.
It seems to me that gradle is NOT reading my ‘~/.gradle/’ file.
I have a file in ‘~/.gradle’, and it has properties needed to sign artifacts before uploading to maven central. It looks like this:
When I try to build my project, it complains that there’s no sonatypeUsername property, thus:
Could not find property ‘sonatypeUsername’ on root project ‘yourProject’.
Here’s the relevant portion of my project’s build.gradle:
uploadArchives {
repositories {
mavenDeployer {
// lots of non-interesting things here
repository(url: “”) {
authentication(userName:“sonatypeUsername”), password:“sonatypePassword”))
When I try to build the project with debugging, here’s what I see regarding properties:
$ ./gradlew --stacktrace --debug build
[INFO] [o.g.BuildLogger] Starting Build
[DEBUG] [o.g.BuildLogger] Gradle user home: /home/me
[DEBUG] [o.g.BuildLogger] Current dir: /home/me/dev/yourProject
[DEBUG] [o.g.BuildLogger] Settings file: null
[DEBUG] [o.g.BuildLogger] Build file: null
[DEBUG] [o.g.i.b.BuildSourceBuilder] Starting to build the build sources.
[DEBUG] [o.g.i.b.BuildSourceBuilder] Gradle source dir does not exist. We leave.
[DEBUG] [o.g.i.DefaultGradlePropertiesLoader] Found env project properties:
[DEBUG] [o.g.i.DefaultGradlePropertiesLoader] Found system project properties:
[DEBUG] [o.g.a.i.a.m.DefaultLocalMavenRepositoryLocator] No local repository in Settings file defined. Using default path: /home/me/.m2/repository
[DEBUG] [o.g.i.ScriptEvaluatingSettingsProcessor] Timing: Processing settings took: 0.286 secs
[INFO] [o.g.BuildLogger] Settings evaluated using empty settings script.
[DEBUG] [o.g.i.ProjectPropertySettingBuildLoader] Looking for project properties from: /home/me/dev/yourProject/
[DEBUG] [o.g.i.ProjectPropertySettingBuildLoader] project property file does not exists. We continue!
[INFO] [o.g.BuildLogger] Projects loaded. Root project using build file ‘/home/me/dev/yourProject/build.gradle’.