Gradle error transform

C:\Users\Admin.gradle\caches\gradle-8.9\caches\8.9\transforms\a74e5f9b2c699aedc8000d001f7971e6-7fff55cb-27d9-4a52-b1a8-e8cff8793214 → C:\Users\Admin.gradle\caches\gradle-8.9\caches\8.9\transforms\a74e5f9b2c699aedc8000d001f7971e6

i got this error. i dont know how to fix. i need fix it for using android studio for my study. my study deadline is tommorow :(. i hope anyone know how to fix it. i already try

  • clear cahce
  • uninstall application
  • any

You should include the full error.
In your post is not even any error message, though you state there is some error.
Optimally, you should share a build --scan URL if possible, but at the very least a full --stacktrace.