Gradle doesn't publish?

Gradle v4.10.2

I’m building a Gradle Java plugin, and it builds. However when I run ./gradlew publish it does nothing, i.e., the artifact doesn’t get published. Here’s my build.gradle file (I have all the variables defined in my file). Also, if I just run ./gradlew publish w/o running ./gradlew build first, it doesn’t run the build phase. What am I missing in my build.gradle file? Thanks.

plugins {
  id 'java'
  id 'maven'
  id 'maven-publish'
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'maven'
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'

version = '0.0.1'

jar {
  manifest {
    attributes 'artifactId': project.artifactId,
               'groupId': project.groupId,
               'version': project.version
  baseName artifactId
  doLast {
    println "artifactId: $project.artifactId\ngroupId: $project.groupId\nversion: $version"

dependencies {
  compile gradleApi()

// For publishigh to S3 maven repo
publishing {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url "s3://" + s3_bucket
      credentials(AwsCredentials) {
        accessKey AWS_ACCESS_KEY
        secretKey AWS_SECRET_KEY

RTFM. I was missing the publications block inside the publishing block. Here’s the whole block

publishing {
  publications {
    myLibrary(MavenPublication) {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url "s3://" + s3_bucket
      credentials(AwsCredentials) {
        accessKey AWS_ACCESS_KEY
        secretKey AWS_SECRET_KEY