I am able to invoke custom task - com.CustomTask only from root build.gradle file but I get - Unable to resolve class CustomTask at line import com.CustomTask when called from subproj1/build.gradle
Can anyone please suggest me how can I invoke a custom task defined under root level buildSrc from subproject’s build.gradle file? (I am on gradle 7.1.1 version)
Similarly under subproject’s build.gradle same as above.
But running gradle builld fails for subproject’s build.gradle with - Unable to resolve class CustomTask at line import com.CustomTask and does not fail for root build.gradle
That is not a multi-project build, but a composite build.
Those are three “independent” builds (and each should get its own settings script) that you combine as composite build using includeBuild in the settings script.
Each of these projects is a potential multi-project build, if you use include in their settings script to add subprojects.
In subprojects of a multi-project build you could use the classes from the builds buildSrc project, but not in “sub-builds”.
You could instead not use buildSrc and instead an included build (that’s what I do always nowadays anyway) and includ that build into all of the three builds, or you can make it a multi-project build instead of a composite build.
Ok sorry my bad.! I’m new to gradle world, and I want to acheive this without major changes, as the project i shared was just an dummy, the actual project is huge. So going with this composite build itself, so by “include build” you mean can I move the task definition to say - customTask.gradle under project root and then have this included in subproj’s/sub dir.s build.gradle thats what you mean ?
@Vampire just tried with having another customTask.gradle with import and task defined as above, and in subproject/sub dir’s build.gradle did apply from: '../customTask.gradle' but it gives same error:
startup failed:
script ‘C:\Users\XDSOUZA\Desktop\gradle-proj-test\customTask.gradle’: 1: unable to resolve class com.CustomTask
@ line 1, column 1.
import com.CustomTask
No, that’s applying a script plugin, that I would do in almost no cases.
I said instead having buildSrc you have another included build.
So rename buildSrc to anything else like build-logic, give it a proper settings script and the do includeBuild("path/to/build-logic") in every build you need its classes, additionally you need to declare a buildscript dependency on it, unless it actually is a plugin you use from that project.
@Vampire Thanks for your suggestion and time, i am almost there with my final solution.
As you suggested, i moved from buildSrc to a groovy project called build-logic, and added includeBuild('../build-logic') in subproject1’s settings.gradle and in subproject’s1 build.gradle added buildscript dependency as below:
And it’s working with only condition that project build-logic must be built first else libs won’t be generated.
Can you please suggest how can I overcome this.
I tried buildscript dependency as project('../:build-logic') but that didnt work - project not found.
Basically need buildscript dependency for a project which is part of includeBuild and at one level above in file system. Can you please help me out in this. Hopefully the last problem for this discussion. Thanks.!!
You should never depend on a jar directly, as then of course no information about how it is built is available.
Also, you cannot use project(...) notation, as that is for within a multi-project build not for depending on an included build in a composite build.
You declare a dependency on the actual coordinates the project would get when you publish it, so something like classpath 'yourgroup:build-logic'. You can leave out the version as it is replaced by the included build anyway.
If i run gradle customTask it shows executed successfully, but i dont see any logs in the custom task code logged, and mainly the custom task generates a file which isnt generated in out directory.
Any idea? Sorry to bother you again and again, but your suggestions are being helpful. Thank you
Ok, i am able to run it from inside subproj1, but when running from root gradle customTask it fails. Attached - gradle-proj-test.zip (83.5 KB)
I want it to run from root, so that this task gets executed for all subproj… other subproj’s will basically have empty task defined.