Hello everyone,
I am trying to set up a project with cached gradle
files. Our CI/CD tool is detecting changes on every build because gradle
generates ever-changing files inside /.gradle/caches/
. This means that the time saved on loading the cache is later spent on uploading the “new” cache (2 to 3 mins).
What I’m caching:
- ~/.gradle/caches
- ~/.gradle/wrapper
- .gradle/configuration-cache # experimental feature
What I’m doing before caching:
echo "deleting ever-changing files generated by gradle because they ruin the caching"
rm -rf ~/.gradle/caches/7.5.1/
# seen in `gradle` docs:
rm -f ~/.gradle/caches/modules-2/modules-2.lock
rm -rf ~/.gradle/caches/*/plugin-resolution/
# delete .lock files because they might contain timestamps
find ~/.gradle/caches/ -name "*.lock" -type f -delete
find .gradle/ -name "*.lock" -type f -delete
I’ve also noticed that inside .gradle/caches/
there is journal-1
folder which also contains a file with a timestamp:
➜ journal-1 cat file-access.properties
#Mon Oct 17 12:59:21 CEST 2022
I am feeling like I’m in a rabbit hole, there is not enough documentation about ever-changing files (like the ones that include a timestamp) or files that are not essential for the cache computation.
Could someone please help with this? I am using Gradle 7.5.1 *
Thank you in advance!