Gradle 2.6 released

The Gradle team is pleased to announce the release of Gradle 2.6. Check it out at This release introduces Gradle support for developing applications on the Play framework, including application reload functionality built on top of the continuous build support featured in Gradle 2.5.

Also new in this release is the “Gradle TestKit”, providing an official mechanism for testing Gradle plugins.

Gradle 2.6 brings some additional enhancements to the Tooling API and to rule based model configuration along with some much-appreciated community contributed bug fixes and improvements. Please check the release notes for more information.

This topic is now a banner. It will appear at the top of every page until it is dismissed by the user. states that 2.5 brings new stuff. Should be 2.6, I presume.

@Anne_Stellingwerf good catch. Fixed uses as an example instead of, is that intentional?

Also, I added distributionSha256Sum to gradle/wrapper/, intentionally used the wrong checksum there, deleted the gradle wrapper cache in ~/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-2.6-bin and relaunched the wrapper, and re-triggered the download and there was no checksum verification.

I had to re-generate the wrapper using Gradle 2.6 before it can verify checksums.

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