We have just migrated to Gradle 2.4 noticed that the war task is corrupting all of our image files if it has a code to replace token without specifying any file filters.
E.g. below is the war task that is corrupting images
rootSpec.exclude "*.jar"
manifest {
attributes("Java-Version": org.gradle.api.JavaVersion.current(), "Built-By": System.properties['user.name'],"Built-on":new Date(),"Version":version)
//These tokens are used to replace in file process.xml under PLF/Metadata
project.buildEnvProps.APPLICATION_REVDATE=new Date().toString()
//Replace all the tokens while moving file to build directory
filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens: project.buildEnvProps)
Same war task works fine (all the images are displaying properly) with everything same as above except for the below line.
//Replace all the tokens while moving file to build directory
filesMatching( ‘**/*.xml’ ) {
filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens: project.buildEnvProps)
Image Inside war if war task has no file filter for token replace:
Image inside war if war task has file filter for token replace: