Our build runs slower on 1.9 than on 1.8.
Our build runs in the following gradle-reported times:
With the daemon, parallel: 1.8
4 mins 23.141 secs 1.9
4 mins 48.627 secs
Without the daemon, parallel (I can explain why some people don’t use the daemon elsewhere): 1.8
4 mins 26.399 secs 1.9
5 mins 7.767 secs
All runs were on Ubuntu 12.04, 4 core i7 2600 with 8 hyperthreads, 16 GB RAM.
A windows machine shows similar results: roughly 40 seconds longer in 1.9.
I couldn’t use bisection to find the commit that slowed things down because in the early RCs for 1.9, our build failed with a fatal error that was fixed in RC3 or RC4.
The only thing I observed that may be related to this is that in 1.8, only one process running org.gradle.process.internal.launcher.GradleWorkerMain was created, while in 1.9, 4 or 5 such processes were created.
If someone could suggest whether it’s possibly with a small patch to modify 1.9 to only create 1 process running org.gradle.process.internal.launcher.GradleWorkerMain, I’d gladly test it.