Gradle 1.10 does not update cached generated Ivy Dependency XML, even after --refresh dependencies -------------------
Gradle 1.10 appears to cache generated Ivy Dependency XML in ~/.gradle/caches/modules-2/metadata-2.1/descriptors////ivy.xml - for given maven dependency
I happened to have a wrong version specified in dependencies { … compile… } block for the give artefact.
- Even after correcting and running the compile task, it kept failing saying that the dependency could not be resolved - running with --refresh dependencies worked fine - then if you run WITH OUT --refresh dependencies, same issue came up - after some digging around, realised that gradle creates ivy.xml for maven dependencies and that it is not regenerated upon change to dependencies - more over --refresh dependencies seems to ignore or not update the required ivy.xml
Rather a frustrating bug. I almost lost faith in Gradle due to this. IMHO, the caching aspects of Gradle are a bit over-engineered! Good stuff though - hard nut, but great