Get current productFlavors while build


I have Android gradle (.kts files) project.
I have 2 flavors (api and client).
I need to set properties from file based on both flavors.

for example:
API: dev, prod
Client: ClientX, ClientY

now I need to set while built proper env/BuildConfig file, string variables, android manifest variables.

My example, how want to do it:

enum class Clients(
    val applicationId: String,
    val version: Version,
    val isDefault: Boolean = false
) {

flavorDimensions += listOf("client", "api")
    productFlavors {

        Clients.values().forEach { client ->
            create( {
                dimension = "client"
                isDefault = client.isDefault

                applicationId = client.applicationId

                versionCode = client.version.versionCode
                versionName = client.version.versionName

        create("dev") {
            dimension = "api"
            isDefault = true

            versionNameSuffix = " (DEV API)"

            val client = // TODO: how to properly get only current "client" flavor here?
            val properties = loadProps(rootProject.file("secrets/${"$client/"}"))

        create("prod") {
            dimension = "api"

            val client = // TODO: how to properly get only current "client" flavor here?
            val properties = loadProps(rootProject.file("secrets/${"$client/"}"))

But I have no idea / no luck (searched by gogole, stack overflow - no useful/working solution) how solve this.

Because it set variables instantly while call this code, it’s not possible to iterate over all flavors and call it for all variants, but I need only for a current variant that is built.

Some tips are in android - How to get current flavor in gradle - Stack Overflow but no one working properly.

For example and almost best variant is: android - How to get current flavor in gradle - Stack Overflow but that didn’t work when you use short build names like: ./gradlew assCXP (alias for assembleClientXProd)

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