Is there a way to do the following with Gradle?
I have 3 tasks: calc, choiceA and choiceB. Task “calc” does some calculations and puts the value somewhere. It can be an ext, a local variable or an external file, it doesn’t matter.
Based on the value of this output, either choiceA or choiceB will run, but not both.
The problem I see is that the graph is generated even before the “calc” start begins and I can’t seem to change it afterwards. If inside the “calc” task I write calc.finalizedBy(choiceA) then nothing will happen. I also tried task choiceA { enabled = valueSetByCalc } but this also doesn’t work. The value of enabled cannot be changed once the graph execution begins.
How can I solve this problem?
Some examples that don’t work:
task calc { }
task choiceA { }
task choiceB { }
calc.doLast {
Using the enabled property:
project.ext {
runChoiceA = false
tasks.register("calc") {
if (1 < 2) {
project.ext.runChoiceA = true
tasks.register("choiceA") {
enabled = project.ext.runChoiceA
tasks.register("choiceB") {
enabled = !project.ext.runChoiceA
Modifying the graph doesn’t do anything:
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady {
tasks.each {
if ( == 'choiceA') {
it.enabled = true
} else if ( == 'choiceA') {
it.enabled = false
} else