Instead of manually defining the set of project to ‘include’ in settings.gradle, I would like to simply include everything beneath the root which contains a build.gradle. Here is my attempt:
def buildableProjects() {
def result = []
settingsDir.eachDirRecurse { dir ->
if (new File(dir, 'build.gradle').exists()) {
result << ':' + settingsDir.toPath().relativize(dir.toPath())
.toString().replaceAll(~/[\\\\/]/, ':')
include buildableProjects()
Unfortunately, this doesn’t quite work:
> [Ljava.lang.String; cannot be cast to java.util.List
I’ve tried adding toList(), but this doesn’t make a difference (which is quite confusing to me). Any clues?
Also, I tried recursing down the children of rootProject, but there weren’t any. I presume this is because within settings.gradle, the only projects are those that have already been added via ‘include’. Is this correct?
Finally, while my code works, I would be happy to make any improvements in style which are more idiomatic groovy/gradle. Thanks for your help!
The Groovy [] literal syntax creates a Java List not an array.
Not really, this is a pretty common pattern and your implementation seems sound. There’s no “standard” way of doing this since every project is structured differently and has its own conventions.