i have a multiproject build with a dozen java subprojects. Ive kicked off “gradle test” to run all the unit tests. At the end I can see 1 test has failed so I want to re-run this test with -i so I can check info logging output in the console.
gradle -i -Dtest.single=MyFailingTest test
tells me “test is up to date”
gradle -i --rerun-tasks -Dtest.single=MyFailingTest test
recompiles all the projects
gradle -i -Dtest.single=MyFailingTest testClean test
works, but will wipe all my successful test reports - not what i want
ive tried to create a task something like
task forceRunTest << {
test.outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
tasks.test.execute() }
but this seems to fail.
Whats the correct solution to force a single failing test to re-run ?