Fabric Mod Error

I’m making my first Fabric mod, I was watching a tutorial but then found out some of it was out dated so I created a fabric project, moved files over, and fixed some errors, but the one error idk how to fix is this:

Execution failed for task ‘:processResources’.
> Entry fabric.mod.json is a duplicate but no duplicate handling strategy has been set. Please refer to https://docs.gradle.org/7.0/dsl/org.gradle.api.file.CopySpec.html#org.gradle.api.file.CopySpec:duplicatesStrategy for details.

* Try:
Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Exception is:
org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ‘:processResources’.
Caused by: org.gradle.api.InvalidUserCodeException: Entry fabric.mod.json is a duplicate but no duplicate handling strategy has been set. Please refer to https://docs.gradle.org/7.0/dsl/org.gradle.api.file.CopySpec.html#org.gradle.api.file.CopySpec:duplicatesStrategy for details.

What don’t you understand?
You have two files called fabric.mod.json defined as resources and did not define what should happen, whether it should just use one of them or pack both in the archive, …, so Gradle is erroring out. In most situations you should not solve this by defining a duplicates strategy, but fix the situation so that only one such file is in the resources.

For any more concrete advice, you probably need to provide an MCVE.

The thing is, I only made one

@Vampire Its in the build folder but It keeps coming back and idk what an MCVE is

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