Extract resources folder from jar at the first run

Hey !
I have made my own application with Gradle and this is my project app tree :

│   ├───java
│   │   └───net
│   │       └───xxxxxx
│   │           ├───app
│   │           │
│   │           ├───controller
│   │           │
│   │           └───webserver
│   │               │
│   │               ├───dom
│   │               │
│   │               ├───model
│   │               │
│   │               └───sax
│   │                   │
│   │                   └───component
│   │                       │
│   │                       └───struct
│   │
│   └───resources
│       ├───data
│       │       data.xml
│       │
│       ├───public
│       │   │   404.html
│       │   │   500.html
│       │   │
│       │   └───assets
│       │       ├───css
│       │       │
│       │       ├───fonts
│       │       │
│       │       ├───img
│       │       │
│       │       ├───js
│       │             │
│       │             ├───core
│       │             │
│       │             └───plugins   
│       │
│       ├───routes
│       │       routes.xml
│       │
│       └───views
│           ├───pages
│           │       add.xml
│           │       viewHome.xml
│           │       viewLicence.xml
│           │       viewThing.xml
│           │
│           └───scaffolding
│                   card.xml
│                   footer.xml
│                   head.xml
│                   nav.xml
│                   script.xml

So As you can see I have put a lot of thing inside my resource folder and everything work fine while I’m using my IDE. And I want to unpack resources file form jar when I launch it the first time. I think that is possible with Gradle but I’m not an expert at all so I’m here ^^.

For now, I have seen that Gradle compile everything in resources at the Racine of jar file. So how I can unpack every resource from this place.
