Gradle Team,
In my organization, I have written groovy based gradle build scripts (for past 6 years) for lot of legacy multi-project builds after lot of source splits, making modules acyclic, etc. Many a times, I have faced with a difficulty of how gradle chooses repository for downloading dependencies.
When we have only maven central, there is no problem and everything works fine. Our company has in-house maven repositories for different set of dependencies. So, for certain group, we have to go to different repos for different set of dependencies.
I m aware that include*
and exclude*
calls while declaring the repos and we are achieving using those now. Everything works fine. But, this approach has 2 problems
- This necessitates editing the common build script (because, that is where all the repositories are defined) to include groups and artifact-name of dependent projects. Editing the common build.gradle for this purpose would always disturb me.
- When the
list grows big, maintaining that becomes difficult
During those times, I have always felt that there has to be one extra facility to attach a repo whlie declaring dependencies.
Below syntax is just an illustration of the concept giving each repository a name and using that name explicitly while defining the dependency. If repo name is not explicitly given, it will follow the gradle's regular protocol to find the repo
maven {
url "http://local.url/path"
name 'mavenrepo01'
dependencies {
mavenrepo01 {
implementation (group: 'mysql', name: 'mysql-connector-java', version: '5.1.34', classifier: 'bin')
implementation "wizard1:wizard1:x.x"
implementation "com.tinkerpop.blueprints:blueprints-core:2.6.0"
implementation "commons-configuration:commons-configuration:1.6"
implementation "com.googlecode.concurrentlinkedhashmap:concurrentlinkedhashmap-lru:1.4.1"
implementation "com.tinkerpop.gremlin:gremlin-groovy:2.6.0"
I am referring every release notes to discover such facility but in vain (in a lighter sense).
I am aware that I am coming from a problem. Fitting gradle’s all the current features in this may have lot of challenges.
I just want to know whether attaching repo during dependency declaration
has been considered and ruled-out by gradle team or is there ways that such facility may become part of future releases of gradle…
Can you please throw light in this?